All modern finishing materials have to correspond to a big number of requirements: quality, easiness of assembling, practical usage, outer attractiveness. If to add to all above-mentioned fire safety requirements, it’s much more complicate to find your “own” material. “Soyuz” Industrial group produces GYPLAST and NOPHLAMAT fire-resistant boards for years.
Quality protection
GYPLAST and NOPHLAMAT boards are hard combustible decorative finishing material of new generation on the base of gypsum and fiber sheet, faced by vandal resistant polymer and laminate covering. Fire-resistant boards of “Soyuz” Industrial group production have high fire-resistant properties, fire certificate KM1 and combustibility group G1 are assigned to them, their fixing prevents to ignition and fire spreading inside of the room. Panel endures high temperatures influence, having by that low smoke-generating ability and low toxicity that minimize poisoning risque by the fire.
And such features of the panels as shock resistance, abrasion resistance, scratch resistance, rubbing resistance are optical suitable for the finishing of the living spaces with high level traffic.
Besides of that fire-resistant boards are ecologically clear material, can be used by the finishing of the walls in the room spaces of different purposes, for children, sports, hospitals and other medical structures.
Safe doesn’t mean dull
Unique combination of technical and decorative characteristics differs GYPLAST and NOPHLAMAT panels; there is no need to search for the compromise between beauty and safety. Thanks to the wide range of decors, artfully imitating different tree spices, stone, linen and bulging plaster, fiхing of the fire-resistant panels will become one of the most stylish and practical solutions for the finishing. Panels with monochrome coverings will decorate the most modern and strict interior. Besides of that, multi functionality of the panels will be a nice attahcment to design; they can be used as light interroom doors and office partition, also decorated in chosen decors. It allows to solve different designers ideas or to create a room space in one style, spending by that minimum funds.
Unbearable easiness of assembling
Fire-resistant panels of “Soyuz” Industrial group is a ready solution for the decoration of the room spaces, Thanks to the technology of the dry construction, a preliminary finishing or prep of the walls are not needed, dust and mud and “wet” cycle of the works are absent. Due to the easy assembling and disassembling of the separate panels there is always an access to the engineer communications. Besides of that nonrigid connection of panels allows shrink or slight move of he building without damage to decoration.
Delivery in set with ready montage system of the decorative profiles and plugs lets to combine montage with the finishing fully ready (“under the key”). Decreasing of the building structures mass and high level of soundproofing can be also reached by using of this material.
Non-stable economical situation makes the manufacturers of furniture and furniture components to decrease the costs, and “SoyuzBaltComplect” vice versa increases turnover.
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