The first modern module raised floor has been developed in 1956 by the former officer who was tired of stumbling over numerous cables in the half-lighted premises of the radiolocation station.
The raised floors were first mentioned in the II-III centuries BC. The romans were the first who applied the raised floor in the thermae.
The installation technology of the ancient raised floors was quite simple:
The boards about 60×60 cm were laid onto the piles of bricks. The boards were covered with a cement mixture and marble tiles were set on it (marble is not only beautiful, but have a high heat transmission value).
Directed streams of warm air circulated in the space between the floors. They were created by heaters installed at one side of the floor – most of all they were wood stoves.
Raised floors have been used in the whole Roman Empire. The archeologists found especially many remains of the raised floors in the neighborhood of the Northern England cities that were extremely cold for the Romans who had got used to a warm climate.
The first modern module raised floor has been developed in 1956 by the former army officer who was tired of stumbling over numerous cables in the half-lighted premises of the radiolocation station.
Let’s recall that the first computers were operating with the vacuum tubes. This means they generated much heat, which required intensive air conditioning. Raised floors allow easily solving both of these problems.
The evolution of the modern raised floors systems within the recent years is connected with the development of information and communication technologies. An active development of cable systems and computer and peripheral equipment cooling systems in the 1960 -1970 lead to installation of raised floors in the premises with centralized equipment.
1980 – 1990 is the time of total equipping the offices with personal computers became the next stage of the raised floors distribution. Raised floors started being used in the comfort air conditioning systems at the same time.
The raised floors have been used mostly in industrial and military objects in Russia. The most well-known example is the Ostankino TV Tower. Raised floors have been especially actively used there because of concentration of powerful equipment.
Nowadays placing all engineering systems including power and optic fiber cables for voice signal and digital data transfer, as well as heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems has become an industrial standard.
Using raised floors has become a critical requirement to achieve the highest business category in some types of premises like class A business centers. Raised floors have also become compulsory when constructing and reconstructing the data centers.
So, the raised floors more often become a necessary interior finishing element at industrial objects as well as in the modern office. They allow creating opt промышленных объектах, mal conditions for the high efficient work performance and provide conditions for rapid access to equipment installed under the raised floor.