Non-stable economical situation makes the manufacturers of furniture and furniture components to decrease the costs, and “SoyuzBaltComplect” vice versa increases turnover. New production lines are launching, new working-outs are regularly appear, being a worthy replacement for the imported production.
We asked to tell about the market situation from the holding’s point of view, Vladislav Likhanov, chief of MFC Alleanza department of “Soyuz” Industrial group.
About import replacement
Practically all market players more or less use imported production by manufacturing of furniture and furniture components. Increasing the prices for foreign raw materials cause the increasing the prices for the final product, and a consumer reacts negatively on it.
No wonder, that the main market tendency is searching a replacement to import and choice of the domestic customer.
Such kind of choice allows to optimize the prime cost of the production and to considerably save at the stock, optimizing working capital. As a result furniture producers make transfer for more economical analogs much more faster than one year ago. It can be referred to the wide range of furniture components, in particular, MFC Alleanza and collection of hardboard-based kitchen-tops of premium class.
Earlier this segment had been occupied by imported materials for 90%, now – for 40%.
“Soyuz” is wide-known for the quality approved by years and also thanks to the optimization of the productional processes and its own raw materials, and democratic price policy. That’s why in spite of the reducing of volumes of furniture field and as a result market of furniture components, “Soyuz” takes an active part in the program of import replacement. Already in year 2015 a big inflow of the new customers could been seen, as well as thanks to the widening of sales geography. Besides of that, it’s necessary to mention the increasing of assortment of the goods being ordered in terms of quality of imported goods.
About technologies development and innovations of the equipment
Price policy and thereafter competitiveness directly depend upon production completeness: up-to-date exchange of the equipment, launching of the new and modernization of the current production lines.
Within the frames of development of the range of furniture components in the end of year 2015 technology of сolouring by means of applying the spray on the base of high capacity automatic spray of the leading Italian manufacturer had been implemented.
Thanks to the widening of the range of decors, Alleanza MFC offers to the furniture manufacturers even better solutions for furniture construction both in contemporary and classical style.
In particular, a new production section of producing of figurely panels had been put into operation. It helped to start mass producing of trend Alleanza Classic facades, rapidly conquering popularity in market.
About trends and innovations of equipment
This year we traditionally have what to order to Russian furniture manufacturers. Classic holds its state both in style and choice of materials. Stone and woody decors, imitating natural materials, keep their popularity. Facades from the natural wood has become considerably more expensive, by that their operational characteristics are sometimes worse, all these factors are as well in favor of domestic manufacturer.
Alleanza MFC successfully added classical collection by 11 new facade models, which had been worked out in accordance with trends of the field. Success on the market wasn’t awaited for a long time: input of the novelties Alleanza became fulfillment of the successful realization of the import replacement program. “Soyuz” Industrial group production is being stylish, elegant and practical is considered by furniture makers as quality alternative to the foreign production, in particular , from solid wood.
In June 2016 a new color spectrum of the facing materials , a product of our common working out with the RENOLIT company had been announced. Besides of its safety, quality and high operational features, traditionally referred to Alleanza, new working-outs are characterized by the vision of natural wood, flexible sizes and reasonable price.
Thanks to the in time reaction to the changes of the market conjucture and orientation the the needs of consumer, our customers even in the complicated market terms can save their customers. We’ll be glad to cooperate with you.
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