The frame facades furniture is still popular with the customers. What products and technologies are available for Russian furniture manufacturers today?
– Vladislav Viktorovich, could you describe in a few words what does the frame facade furniture attract the customers with?
– High quality, “expensive” classic look at an affordable price, as well as the possibility to combine different materials.
– And what are the frame facades interesting with for the furniture manufacturers?
– Firstly, of course, with the constant customers’ demand. And to understand why the frame facades are so popular, we should focus on two points:
First of all it is production specialization. The time of cheap machines and of production as a kitchen-table effort passes by. Today it is more advantageous for a furniture factory to exclude some intermediate operations from the production process and to purchase prefabricated components, for instance frame facades by the manufacturers. It allows decreasing the production cycle and saving current assets.
The development of any production is the result of a more efficient usage of resources: materials, time, and labor – from general operatives to top-managers. An efficient usage is, in its turn, impossible without specialization. The ones who are able to make something better than the others do and to purchase the rest at affordable price – they win (and survive). The following scheme is effective on the personal level, as well as on the enterprise or the country level.
Secondly, the volume decrease and a faster collections upgrade are typical for modern industrial production, i.e. we manufacture less similar items and change the product more often. At the same time the manufacturers are willing to distinguish themselves from business rivals, in particular with the wide range of models.
It concerns furniture industry, perhaps, even more than the other industries.
The customer not just buys a nice kitchen set – as at his neighbor’s – today. He wants to embed his taste and imagination into the furniture.
The frame facades provide greater opportunities here than any other: designers can not only select facade colors, but combine frame colors and fillings, use a transparent or matte glass, stained glass, mirrors, rattan or shutters as insertion elements as well – this is a so called molding trim.
And let’s add a wide range of profiles – both, sections and colors of covering materials.
It means that the frame facades allow the manufacturer quickly change the models within the same manufacturing process at the minimum expense.
– It’s impressive. And what are the criteria for selecting the frame facades manufacturer?
– The supplier must have modern equipment, qualified personnel and the possibility to continuously process the orders in a timely manner.
For instance, some types of facades known in Europe are not produced in Russia because of lack of required equipment. It requires about 1 million euro investments and the return prospects are not very clear. Only large manufacturers can provide such investments – and there are very few of them in Russia including our company.
As for the products range, we manufacture all furniture facade components required for kitchen sets as well as for all types of cabinet furniture.
It allows our partners to receive optimum numbers of the complete set of furniture components for facades from single source, as well as to efficiently use current assets and to save of logistics.
– Every manufacturer will praise his production…
– I agree. Much more important is the opinion of our partners who had the opportunity to make sure that our products is unique in Russia. We already have over 80 configurations just of frame profiles and over 100 decors for covering them.
Availability of our own design bureau allows us developing individual programs of manufacturing exclusive furniture, to order covering materials of any European supplier. And please note that the minimum order amount in Europe is 2000 facades, and here by us – 500 facades.
– And what if Petr Petrovich applies to you with a great deal and suggests you to develop the same furniture as Ivan Ivanovich has?
– We will explain that this development belongs to Ivan Ivanovich only and to no one else under the contract. And we suggest Petr Petrovich to develop his own exclusive products.
– And the last question: what new products have recently appeared or will appear shortly in your products range?
– In the economy segment we produce frame facades and prefabricated doors with patina decors that imitate patterned finishing of antique furniture. Several decors of this collection are our exclusive products that no one else has in Russia. They look quite presentable at an affordable price.
In the medium segment we offer frame facades covered with CPL plastic. This type of facades combines a nice look and the wear strength and can be used for all types of furniture (except for bathroom furniture).
We will be able to suggest the frame facades of one of the leading Italian manufacturers soon to make our products range complete. Italians are acknowledged leaders in design as well as in furniture and furniture components manufacture and especially their style is the most popular in Russia. The next year we will start manufacturing a new type of frame facades – no one is manufacturing them in Russia now.
I would like to share one more good news with you: our regional representatives are starting to work in three cities in the end of November – in Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk.
Regional warehouses and exhibitions of frame facades and furniture profiles of the Soyuz IG will be opened in these cities as well. We invite all the partners – please come to select and to order.
– Thank you very much for the interview. I hope you will share your interesting thoughts with our readers again and will tell more about new products of your manufacture.
– It would be my pleasure, thank you.