In 2012 the Soyuz Industrial Group set into operation the industrial complex that has been developed against its order by KOCH German company and is unique in Russia. The exceptionally powerful capabilities of the new products became the technological basis for manufacturing of furniture facades system that is represented under ALLEANZA trade mark. The head manager of “Furniture facades systems” project Vladislav Likhanov is sure that the new complex solution of Soyuz IG allows the furniture makers essentially extend the products range at minimum cost.
МБ: Vladislav, currently there are many furniture facades at the market both of domestic and foreign manufacture. To attract the furniture makers you have to offer them something special. What makes your products different from the other products?
— First of all the Project “Furniture Facades Systems” consists of such facade types that aren’t produced by anybody but us at the territory of Russia. For another thing the Soyuz IG is the author and patent holder of one of the most popular facade constructions called French Cut Construction. Secondly the ALLEANZA furniture facades make a complex standardized solution for the construction of the facade’s part of the furniture which makes implementation and use of the system the most easy to manufacture and economically attractive. The ALLEANZA Furniture System can easily become a part any industrial process; as a result the furniture makers get the possibility to essentially extend the product range at minimum expense. Thirdly the ALLEANZA Furniture System offers solutions both for construction of kitchen furniture and living space. It harmonically makes the house space united. I would like to notice that that kind of collections are only offered by the European suppliers. All the analogues represented at the market are of foreign manufacture with all the consequences that come with it. The purpose of any business type including furniture business is the profit taking. Working with us you achieve this purpose easier and faster than if you buy foreign analogues. According to the development plan of the industrial complex in 2013 we will set into operation the second turn which will allow us to increase the productivity and achieve the best product quality. By summer our package will comply with GMP FEFCO standards; the work piece layout equipment as well as facades assembly equipment with the maximum possible accuracy has already been set into operation. Therefore the quality of our products is currently almost the same as the quality of the European products; this means that none of the companies represented at the market offer their partners that level of products at such attractive conditions.
МБ: Could you please tell more? What is the difference between the conditions of cooperation with your company and the foreign suppliers? What are the advantages for the clients?
— I will tell you only about some of them. It is the minimal delivery time which means saving of the operational assets and resource minimization. If working with the foreign-made products the possibilities of the furniture manufacturing are limited to the stock resources, in other words by the operational assets for the specific facade’s model. Work with ALLEANZA furniture facades allows optimizing financial resources of the company. The ALLEANZA facade elements have a wide size range – from 116 mm till 2030 mm. It gives the possibility to attract buyers that need undersized furniture. The delivery can start from a few facades pieces. It’s hardly possible if the supplier is situated in Europe. That’s why the furniture makers need to have a big products stock at their store and order quite a big products volume in order to minimize the transportation costs and to get a reasonable price. Again, this leads to the need for increase of the operational assets. Finally the ALLEANZA furniture facade systems give the possibility to manufacture exclusive products while minimizing the risks. Do you agree that every manufacturer is interested in the development of the new models as well as in creation of the individual models of the furniture facades? It’s an efficient way to differ from the business rivals and to increase marketability. But every experiment is connected with risks. While offering the ALLEANZA system to the furniture makers we help to minimize the risks by reducing resources that can be used for development of the new collections. We can develop the new facade’s type on the conditions that are unreal for the European suppliers.
МБ: You said that ALLEANZA furniture facades systems are the complex, standardized solutions for the construction of the façade part of the furniture. What elements does ALLEANZA consist of?
All the element of ALLEANZA furniture facade system are manufactured with consideration for the actual market trends, the most important of which is the possibility to offer the consumers the high quality alternative for the facades which are manufactured of the natural wood but has more reasonable price. The external appearance of the ALLEANZA facades is as good as the external appearance of facades of solid wood. Furthermore they have the best operational features. The system consists of ALLEANZA KITCHEN furniture components as well as ALLEANZA ROOM furniture components that are used in the living area. The ALLEANZA ROOM consists of French Cut construction types which are used for manufacturing of unit furniture for the living space. Thanks to flexibility that assembly principle gained popularity both in Europe and Russia. ALLEANZA KITCHEN in its turn divides into standard and ordered collection. The standard collection counts 10 facades types. There countertops selected for them with АВС edge decors that are exclusive for the Russian market. Some of them are exclusive even for the European market. The ordered program counts 29 models. These facades have the classic construction and are assembled at 45 degree angle. Besides the facades and countertops the system consists of accessories that are needed for decorative finishing of the front side of the furniture like rods, light bars, angle elements, as well as decorative panels that allow working only with laminated particle board decor. In this case the side walls and other visible main structures are covered with panels coated with the same material as facades are. One of the key benefits of the ALLEANZA facade systems is its availability which means that the products are available at the stores of our company, trade houses in Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Samara as well as at the stores of our partners in Russian regions and CIS. In such a way we guarantee the furniture makers more convenient and economically attractive solution for products range extension. New products in furniture facades manufacturing
According to the swing you began to develop the new product line the furniture makers can expect other new products from you.
— We will shortly introduce to the market several decorative and constructional solutions for furniture facades that are parts of the collections of the leading Italian manufacturers and are very popular there. We will also offer the manufacturers the ready-made furniture details called “postforming” that are made to orders for the certain models of the kitchen sets like angle elements and products made under technology called European saw-cut. The facades can be delivered with the additional holes. The components are packed in sets; that means they are delivered with the certain kitchen module which allows the manufacturer to avoid many interstage operations and optimally use its resources. I would like to mention one more circumstance. The furniture facades market is competitive and it is already formed now. At the same time the facades market for the living furniture only starts developing and the Soyuz IG is the only company that offers the ready solutions to the manufacturers of the cabinet furniture. I would like to apply to my colleagues that are furniture makers. We are looking for cooperation both on the current program and on the development of the new facades types according to your design specifications. Our clients are the largest furniture manufacturers. We are sure that with our help you will produce popular and competitive products with the bright specific features. We offer the partnership on the participatory development of ALLEANZA furniture facades to the distributor companies of the furniture components. It is a solid, long-term profitable business. We will be glad to see you among our partners.